Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Address formats in Dynamics AX 2009

For international business it can be very important to use different address formats for customers. Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 supports this in a very comfortable way. You can define address formats and link them to the countries for which you would like to use them.

The setup for the address formats can be found at the following path:

Basic | Setup | Addresses | Address format

Here you can create some address formats. On the Setup-tab you are able to define which fields should be part of your address format and which fields should be used in a new line ( so you are able to use the zip-code in one line with the city, for example).
Another nice feature is the wizard, which you can open with the Wizard-button on the setup tab. It allows you to define some of the most used formats automatically, you can choose for which countries / continents you want to create the addresses.

If you defined your address formats, you can assign them to the countries here:

Basic | Setup | Addresses | Country/region

The assignment is done in the column Address format

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